

If a child is ill, they must stay at home where adequate monitoring and care can be carried out. This is also for the protection of the other children and staff at preschool and helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases and other illnesses.

Families are asked to notify the preschool if their child is going to be absent.  If families are unsure about whether to bring their child, they may contact the preschool to discuss their concerns.

**  Please note: If a child tests positive to Covid-19, they must isolate from Preschool for 3 days and may return after 3 days as long as they are symptom free. 

When to keep your child at home

If they have:

>  A temperature above 38 degrees > Head Lice (until treated)
> Cough, runny nose, sore throat > Hepatitis A
> Vomiting (within 24 hours) > Herpes Labialis (Cold Sores)
> Diarrhoea (within 24 hours) > Impetigo (unless covered)
> Severe skin rashes > Influenza
> Tonsillitis > Measles
> Chicken Pox > Meningitis
> Conjunctivitis > Mumps
> German Measles > Ringworm
> Glandular Fever > Scabies
> Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease > Whooping Cough

Lalor Park Preschool strictly abides by the NSW Department of Health guidelines on Infectious Diseases including COVID-19 and exclusion periods for attendance at preschool. This information can be obtained from a staff member as required. Our preschool has several policies and procedures relating to the health, safety and well being of children. These policies are to be strictly adhered to by all staff and families and are available upon request.


If a child requires any medication to be administered while they are at preschool, families must complete a ‘Medication Form’. Under the Department of Education and Communities Regulations, we are unable to administer any medication without specific written instructions from parents, which includes dosage, dates, times, etc.

All medication must have the child’s name on it and be brought to preschool in its original container.

We are not permitted to administer any medication in quantities other than the dosage stated, or medication which has been prescribed for a person other than the child.

Medication must be handed to a member of staff and never left in children’s school bags.


Children must not attend preschool for 24 hours after being prescribed antibiotics.

Children on long term medication

If a child is on any long term medication for conditions such as asthma they are required to complete a ‘long term medication form’ as well as supplying an ‘Action Plan’ from the child’s doctor.

If children become unwell at preschool

If a child becomes unwell while they are at preschool we will carefully isolated them from the main group of children. We will attempt to contact families on all telephone numbers provided and ask them to come and collect the child immediately.  If we are not able to reach the parent, we will contact the persons nominated as ‘Emergency Contact’ people for them to collect the child.

We have a specific permission form regarding administration of ‘Panadol’ to children.

Immunisation and vaccination

The department of Education and Communities requires that all children must be immunised before they can commence preschool. All children must have an up to date ‘Immunisation History Statement’ from the Australian Immunisation Register which can be obtained from Medicare.

Any child who has not been immunised or does not have all their immunisations up to date are unable to attend.

** All staff members are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

** Our preschool abides by the NSW Governments ‘Staying Healthy – preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services 5th Edition’.